This data is live from Alchemy

Our proprietary blockchain-secured platform

Data last verified: Monday, 02/05/2024

1Ocean-bound plastic

Plastic Bank operates under the global standard defined by Jenna Jambeck. Ocean-bound plastic is defined as plastic that has not yet found its way into the ocean but is classified as "mismanaged waste". That is, plastic that is not being (formally) collected, is not likely to be collected, and is found within 50km of an ocean-bound waterway or coastal area.

2Community Members

Individuals within a recycling community who collect plastic and exchange it at a Plastic Bank collection branch for secure income and life-improving benefits.

3Equivalent Bottles Stopped

The amount of ocean-bound plastic collected and recycled in our recycling communities converted into bottles. Conversion rate is 50 bottles per kg (the average weight of a 500mL bottle is ~20g)

4Recycling Communities

Community of plastic collectors living within 50 kilometres of ocean-bound waterways involved in plastic collection and its exchange at Plastic Bank collection points.


Alchemy is the blockchain platform that powers the Plastic Bank app. It enables fully traceable recycling processes, secures income for recycling community members and tailors impact reports for our stewards.

From 100 kg

Event Impact

Transform any gathering into a milestone for sustainability with our Event Impact Certificate. Whether a small seminar or a large conference, your event can leave a lasting positive imprint. This certificate confirms that your event has offset 100 bottles per attendee from polluting our environment and entering our ocean. Each certificate amplifies our ability to empower coastal communities, transforming plastic waste into a currency that lifts people from poverty.

Make your occasion unforgettable not just in memories but in measurable impact. Showcase your Event Impact Certificate and proclaim your commitment to a better, brighter future.

Act now and set your event apart as a sustainability and social change pioneer.

    • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 50.
  • Hidden
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Product specifications
  • Personalized digital certificates are delivered immediately to the email from your order and can be displayed on social media, your website, or printed and displayed at your event.
  • The Event Impact offset is based on 2 kg per attendee

The Stories Behind our Impact Certificates

Plastic Bank is stopping plastic from entering the ocean and helping communities transcend poverty. Collection community members in vulnerable coastal areas collect plastic waste from their local beaches, waterways, streets, businesses, and even households, and exchange it for secure income and life-improving benefits.

If you have stopped to consider the damage that is being done to the ocean, felt overwhelmed by the challenge and yet began the quest for a world without ocean plastic, you’re an Ocean Steward.

Plastic Bank’s Impact Certificates are an opportunity for all Ocean Stewards – families, friends and wider community – to take responsibility for their plastic footprint and stand together on the right side of history. Be the change you seek and take action today!

Building a Circular Economy

Plastic Bank enables ethical recycling in vulnerable coastal communities and reprocesses the materials for reintroduction into the global supply chain as Social Plastic® feedstock.

In our communities, we are empowering local recycling entrepreneurship by formalizing informal waste collection. Exchanges are registered on the Plastic Bank app powered by Alchemy, our blockchain-secured platform that enables traceable collection, secures income and verifies reporting.

Building a Circular Economy

Plastic Bank enables ethical recycling in vulnerable coastal communities and reprocesses the materials for reintroduction into the global supply chain as Social Plastic® feedstock.

In our communities, we are empowering local recycling entrepreneurship by formalizing informal waste collection. Exchanges are registered on the Plastic Bank app powered by Alchemy, our blockchain-secured platform that enables traceable collection, secures income and verifies reporting.